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Articles Written by Pastor Andrew Ray

All Scripture Is for You, but Not All Scripture Is to You

EXCERPT: Imagine sitting down to write a personal, intimate letter of instruction to a loved one. You put pen to paper, carefully addressing the recipient of the letter, and record your heart’s thoughts. Once completed, you seal the letter in an envelope, address it to your intended audience, apply the necessary postage, and entrust the postman for its proper delivery. Yet, something goes awry during delivery as the letter is inadvertently opened by someone other than the person to whom it was specifically intended. READ MORE...



Are You a Victim?

EXCERPT: All conditions and definitions considered, the greatest victim to ever live was never in His lifetime identified as such, nor did He ever take up the title for Himself. If we add to that the fact that we often incorporate into our understanding of victimhood that the one victimized is, at best, INNOCENT and, at worst, UNDESERVING, we might well say that those attributes can and have only fully applied to one—the Lord Jesus Christ. That being said, if one truly wants to know how to define victimhood or how to behave should one be victimized, he would look no further than the Lord. READ MORE...



The Danger of Attention-Seeking

EXCERPT: When we think of Absalom, the son of David, we often think of him as a man consumed with pride. While pride was certainly at the root of his behaviour, as it is for most of us, it would be wise to consider that Absalom might have been addicted to something else plaguing many men, women, boys, and girls in society today—attention-seeking. READ MORE...



Progressive Illumination

EXCERPT: Some sayings are quaint but remain functionally inaccurate. Many Bible teachers believe and teach that if the First Century "church fathers" did not teach, preach, or write concerning any particular matter, then it lacks credibility. These Bible teachers surmise that anything new must be false. The fact remains that there “is no new thing under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Herein lies a most important truth. Though something may come to new light for us personally (illumination), the truth was already known when God initially unveiled it (revelation). Illumination is not the reception of truth, but the enlightened understanding of truth previously given. God’s truth remains unchanged, but man’s understanding of that truth is constantly changing. READ MORE...



The Revelation of St. John the Divine

EXCERPT: The contention over the title of the book of the Revelation is generally not over the human “authorship” of John. Yet, many people who would be considered Bible believers have strong opinions against the use of John’s name after the phrase “The Revelation of.” They point to the first verse and suggest that the title should match the first five words of the verse. READ MORE...



Simplifying End-Times Terminology

EXCERPT: Interpretation of prophecy presents a problem of epic proportions. On one hand, hindsight is almost always 20-20. After all, it is easy to determine the pictures or types pointing to the cross in the Old Testament while standing on this side of the cross. Prophetic vision, on the other hand, seeks to understand or comprehend events and truths yet to occur. If this were not difficult enough, terminology serves as land mines waiting to dismember the unsuspecting Bible student and teacher.  READ MORE...



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