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Ray Family Update from May 2021

Dear Praying Friends,

In the month of May, we went verse-by-verse through Psalm 60. While there may be disagreement as to the circumstances that brought David to the conclusion that man’s help was vain (Psalm 60:11), we should agree that his words were true. Life is filled with much disappointment when it comes to people. Sometimes disappointment comes as a result of sin; at other times, it comes simply because of human limitations. Truth be told, the problem is not that men fail, but that we place enough confidence in men to allow them to fail us. Simply put, disappointment reveals trust. According to scripture, “It is BETTER to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8), even if it is the best of men—“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes” (Psalm 118:9).

For a time, having confidence in man feels good. Eventually, humanity shows itself and disappointment sets in. It is at that moment that one feels the greatest of pains. God describes it as being equivalent to “a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint” (Proverbs 25:19). If you have never felt this pain, be thankful. Either you are far better at trusting the Lord than I am or you have not yet lived long enough to be broken in such a way. Be assured, if you place your confidence in man, your day of heartache is coming. The good news for believers is that we have “a friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24) who said, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).

I dare not burden you with the details (you probably have too many of your burdens anyway), but our family entered a fiery furnace sometime late 2020 and continues therein to this present moment. The specific troubles and the resulting pressures have varied from week to week, but our understanding of where we are has not. We do not feel special as though God loves or hates us any more than He does others, nor do we feel as though the testing is because of something superior within us. In fact, it may be quite the opposite. Maybe we are in the midst of Satan’s sifting in order to expose our inadequacies and imperfections. If the Lord is pleased to do so, it is our prayer to exit the furnace with greater faith than when we entered. If we exit in good standing with the Lord, it will be because of His grace and because we have been helped along by a handful of faithful saints who have made us a priority in their prayer lives.

Bible Conference

It is hard to believe, but the Bible conference is upon us (Monday, June 7th through Wednesday, June 9th). Our theme will focus on lesser known servants of God in the New Testament church with each sermon covering the life of one individual or couple who served God faithfully in the first century of the church, yet somewhat in obscurity. For those who are considering attending, our seating is limited and we need all who plan to attend to register so that we can guarantee your seats.

Pray with Us

I have been greatly encouraged by the willingness of God’s people to pray for us. Along these lines, would you be willing to pray or continue to pray for:

* Selling of one home/purchase of one
* Antioch Bible Conference (June 7-9, 2021)
* Completion of two printed books
* Rebuilding
* Personal physical, mental, and spiritual strength
* Choosing an orientation for our auditorium renovations
* Completion of multiple e-books
* Bible Conference in Chelsea, MI (July 12-15, 2021)

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