The Life and Ministry of
Pastor Andrew Ray
Ray Family Update from September 2016
Dear Praying Friends,
These are both wonderful and fearful times in which we live. The times are wonderful in the sense that we have unimaginable opportunities to serve the Lord. Our ministries have opportunities to reach farther faster than ever before. We can minister locally here in Fountain City and at the same time publish articles or preach the word via the internet clear across the world. While some churches are being distracted by the construction of family life centers and the promotion of clubs and activities, those who are truly enlisted in the fight need to understand the responsibility given to this generation. The sad truth is that we are squandering our opportunities and failing in our responsibility and the doors for these privileges are swiftly closing.
For years, the world has been brainwashing our youth out of everything we hold to be dear. As a result, we have a world filled with godless and morally depraved adults. Our education system despises God and serves as indoctrination institutions for the promotion of an anti-God society. As such, the arrival of each new generation brings us one step closer to the loss of the liberties that have allowed us to so freely spread the gospel of Christ. Liberties, I might add, that were given to us through the early labours of Baptist Christians and preserved for us by the bravery of faithful soldiers, many of whom paid the ultimate price.
While others are squandering the fleeting opportunities, I am thankful to know some men, a good number of men, in fact, who are giving their all to serve their generation by the will of God. Many of these men are under continual spiritual attack. They are doing far more for the cause of Christ with far less financial support than the megachurches and television personality preachers. They constantly endure the ridicule of the brethren for trying to do something for God in the Laodicean age. They overcome the criticisms of carnal Christians who fail to understand the importance of what they are trying to do for the Saviour. If there was ever a time when these faithful saints need our prayers and financial support, it is now! They must be encouraged rather than discouraged. Their sacrifices must be noted and met with our own.
LTB Publications
Daily Strength 3 is currently at the printer with an expected delivery date coming before Thanksgiving. We are excited to see this book go to print and to see God’s faithful hand helping us come one step closer to the completion of this all-important project. In an effort to get these devotional books into the hands of more believers, we are making them (Volumes 1 and 2, and a preorder of Volume 3) available for $10/each for the rest of this month. These books can be purchased at All you have to do is enter DS10 as a coupon code at checkout and you will get the book(s) at this discounted rate. Please take advantage of this and get the material into the hands of those who need simple, but thought provoking devotional studies.
We are also moving ever so close to the conclusion of our first book for children entitled Josiah, the Boy Who Would Be King. In my last prayer letter, I made an appeal for assistance with artwork and the Lord graciously provided. We owe a special debt of gratitude to the ones who forwarded the prayer letter out last month producing this lead. The Lord has far exceeded our expectations and for that we are grateful. As to the content of the book, we have already had several children and parents with children read the material and offer input. So far, the feedback has been quite encouraging! Please pray that the Lord will give us wisdom as we complete the remainder of this work.
Upcoming Schedule
There is much to get done the remaining three months of this year because the schedule picks up in January. I will be preaching in a Bible Conference in Virginia at the first of January and another one in Florida toward the end of January. Additionally, our Bible Institute classes resume January 16, 2017. Please pray for strength and wisdom concerning these matters.
Prayer Requests
* Pray for strength and peace in the pulpit. The Devil loves to war against the preacher’s mind.
* Pray that God will prepare my heart to minister to the saints both here and abroad.