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What the World Thinks of Jesus

John 15:18-25

INTRODUCTION: The average Christian today is far more concerned with what others think than they are what Jesus thinks. The worst case Christians are more concerned with how the world views and accepts them than they are whether or not the Lord is pleased with them. The carnal Christians are a little bit better, in that they are less concerned with what the usaved world thinks, but they are concerned with what other believers think of them rather than being concerned with what the Lord thinks.


A. The Dividing Force (Galatians 6:14)

B. The Direct Command (1 John 2:15)

C. The Dogmatic Proclamation (James 4:4)


A. The Deeds Done by the Saviour

1. Feeding the multitudes
2. Healing the sick
3. Raising the dead
4. Preaching to the poor

B. The Deeds Done to the Saviour

1. Judas, one of the twelve, betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
2. The people came to get Jesus with swords and staves.
3. In the trial of Caiaphas, an officer struck Jesus with the palm of his hand.
4. They sought false witnesses against Jesus seeking to put Him to death.
5. They blindfolded Jesus, spit on Him, and smote him with their hands, mocking Him by requesting that He prophesy who smote Him.
6. When Judas basically claimed that he had made a mistake, they refused to undo their pursuit of Jesus’ blood.
7. In the trial of Herod, the men of war set Him at nought, mocked Him, and arrayed Him in robe.
8. Herod, seeing nothing wrong done by Jesus, sought to chastise Him and release Him. He hoped the people would want Jesus released and Barabbas judged. Instead, they called for the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Christ.
9. The soldiers stripped Jesus, clothed Him mockingly in purple, put a crown of thorns on His head, a reed in His hand and bowed before Him. They spit upon Him and smote Him with their hands.
10. They put His own raiment back on Him and led Him away to be crucified.
11. They crucified Him between two thieves.
12. They gambled over His garments.
13. While on the cross, the rulers ridiculed Jesus asking that He save Himself.
14. The thieves on the cross also ridiculed the Saviour.
15. The passersby wagged their heads and reviled the Saviour’s promises of a resurrection.
16. After His death, His side was pierced with a spear, pouring forth blood and water.
17. If that were not enough, they demeaned His character and suggested He was a deceiver and that His disciples might come and steal His body away.


A. The Apostles

1. They were threatened for their preaching.
2. They were beaten.
3. They were imprisoned.
4. They were put to death in cruel fashion.

B. Our Bible-Believing Brethren

1. They were beaten.
2. They were spat upon, urinated on, poisoned.
3. They were taken from their families.
4. They were put to death in cruel fashion.

C. Us

1. We want the world to like us.
2. We want to fit in.
3. We want the world to approve of our methods, our music, our clothing, our conduct.

CONCLUSION: If the world hates my Saviour, I should expect nothing less of their feelings toward me. In fact, if that is the way they feel about Him, it would be a betrayal for me to seek their favour.

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