The use of the word doctrine may intimidate those who do not realize the vital role it plays in the understanding of biblical truths. Yet, for anyone desiring to live a holy and practical Christian life, it is essential to understand the purpose and function of doctrine. Doctrine is simply a body of teaching about any particular Bible subject. Everyone holds to one form of doctrine or another. This even includes those who despise God’s words and His ways. It is very important for Christians to keep their doctrine pure because doctrine affects a believer’s practice. Without sound doctrine, there will not be sound practice. If a person’s doctrine is false, so goes his practice.
A classic example of a man whose faulty doctrine messed up his practice is Simon Peter. He was looking for an earthly kingdom, and he was expecting it to be imminent. The Lord Jesus Christ told Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence” (John 18:36). This proclamation followed Simon Peter’s sword wielding, when he cut off a man’s ear in an effort to keep the Lord Jesus from being delivered into His enemies’ hands (John 18:10). Peter’s doctrine (assuming the immediacy of the kingdom) affected his practice (fighting for the kingdom). This was in direct contradiction to sound doctrine and practice.
-An excerpt from The Fingerprint of God pgs 1-2